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Well I’am just Belonia, a 26 years old fervent disciple of Procrastination (except when it's time to make Negroni's), Designer of her own catastrophe, with a morbid fear of failure trying to get her shit together. A dreaming rebelious Aquarius (of course) full of ideas but always been to scared. Scared of what? Good question.

Don’t panic, I won’t welcome you in the First Day of The Rest of My Life, to be honest this project might sink straight to my infamous ambitious cemetery. But who knows?

In this Madgazine (cringe?) I’ll chronicle what’s popping in my mind, and believe it or not, there’s a lot. I’ll narrate my journey to achieve what I suppose to be my dream life while strutting my proud Afro crown and sharing nitty gritty details about unimaginable experiences of mine in the most appropriate way to not give my Mom an heart attack.

Let say that this blog will be my Everything’s Bible. Pilates exercises for dummies? Got your back. Outfits guide for no occasions cause if you think I need an occasion to look fabulous you got me wrong honey. Struggling with that ginger shot recipe? Say less. Worst, having a mental breakdown over that crazy frizzy nappy curls? Here's my shoulder queens.

However don't call me for breathing advice, fun fact, I sometimes forget to breathe.

At the end of the day, I just want whoever reading this to feel like me when Mom used to told me that this world was too small for me (what aggravated my Aquarius God complex). She was so right, she’s always have been. But now that i’m a grown person, I realise that not everyone needs to be a hero, being you with your qualities, defaults, fears or whatever drives you is fairly enough. Remember, time does not exist, so you’ll never be late for the person you attend to be or whatever matters for you.

* Also remember that English is not my mother language and I in fact started this to improve my pen, what's mean this blog is surely full of faults. Be indulgent kids :)


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